Vision: The Adaptive Adventure Sports Coalition, will be a national leader in adaptive sports with innovative programs, people, and partnerships.
Mission: We connect individuals with disabilities, their families, volunteers, and com
munity organizations through a lifetime of adventure sports.
We accomplish this by providing volunteer-driven adventure opportunities, promoting teamwork, and fostering self-advocacy through coaching and mentoring.
TAASC brings outdoor activities such as alpine skiing and snowboarding, water skiing, kayaking, cycling, fishing, sailing, ice skating, and other sports opportunities to individuals having a disability and their families.
TAASC is headquartered on a section of a 22 acre City of Columbus special use park in Powell, Ohio where kayaking, water skiing, fishing, and cycling are based. Sailing is at Alum Creek Sailing Club. TAASC collaborates with area ski resorts, the Ohio Valley Rowing Club, and Chiller Ice Rinks for other sports.
TAASC serves children and adults with physical and intellectual disabilities. Sit skis for alpine and water skiing, kayaks with outrigger pontoons, hand cycles, and ice sleds are just a few of the adaptive equipment items that enable people with disabilities to get moving outdoors. TAASC teaches skills to the individual with a disability and to their family, friends, or other support people so they can enjoy sports together. TAASC is 100% volunteer operated and includes many people with disabilities among its instructors and event leaders. TAASC is committed to providing quality training by having certified volunteer instructors including twenty-five ski instructors, twelve kayaking instructors and a water ski instructor.
Approximately 1200 visits at 60 events were made to the TAASC Adventure Center this summer from schools, disability, family support, military, and other groups or individuals. 135 different skiers with disabilities participated in lessons, many visiting multiple times during the season. Over 900 lessons were given to persons with disabilities and their family members at Mad River Mountain and Snow Trails Resort this season.
For more information, visit